Music education of Norway

Folkeuniversitetet Adult Education Association

Folkeuniversitetet isNorway's largest organiser of adult education. Every year, approximately 70 000 people sign up for one or more of our 6 500 courses. We have over 50 years' experience and offer practical and theoretical trade-related education, language instruction and courses in cultural and leisure activities.

Our activities are deeply rooted in Norwegian tradition and our aim is to make leisure courses and further education accessible to all adults, regardless of social background.

Decentralised instruction 
Folkeuniversitetet currently consists of 22 member organizations, 8 regional offices and 70 local departments. The nationwide organisation provides courses in more than 300 of the country’s municipalities. This means many of the course participants can study in their home town and still meet family- and work commitments.
Flexibility In addition to the benefits of decentralised instruction, Folkeuniversitetet’s flexible course programmes are based on the participants’ requirements, their geographical location and their lifestyle. Our courses are available in the evening for those who are unable to participate during the day, or to attend full-time instruction. 
Available to everybody Folkeuniversitetet's courses can be attended by everybody including adults who have not yet completed an approved course of study. Furthermore, such approved courses are also available at Folkeuniversitetet. 
Financing The Norwegian state and municipalities provide Folkeuniversitetet with financial support to ensure the availability of adult education. Students wishing to attend courses with Folkeuniversitetet can apply for a grant where such courses correspond to public courses. Please be aware that this does not apply to language courses and university or college courses.
Practical and theoretical business-related courses

Folkeuniversitetet provides practical and theoretical business-related courses. These may be of an introductory level, college, or university level, or may be offered as further education.

Upper secondary school level 

The Norwegian government aims to maximise the number of students attending upper secondary school. This will increase the knowledge of the students and provide them with more opportunities to attend further education. Folkeuniversitetet's courses encourage students to work on their own and provide them with both written and oral examination training.
University and college subjects Folkeuniversitetet provides courses at university and college level in about 70 locations nationwide and each year an average of 8 000 students participate. Subjects include philosophy, social science, pedagogy, humanities, law, science, media, music, health and social science, administration, economics and management, languages, IT and design.
We apply for university and college approval to run all our pedagogically professional courses. Folkeuniversitetet's lecturers and teachers have experience from colleges and universities, business and public administration. Groups are kept small so the contact between teacher and student is optimised and the atmosphere is conducive to study. 

Corporate assignments 

Folkeuniversitetet has broad experience designing and carrying out courses for private and public sector companies and organisations. 
Occupational training. According to the Norwegian Law on Occupational Training, adults who have been in employment a long time may take an examination which, if passed, qualifies them for a skilled craftsman’s certificate ("svennebrev"). It is proving ever more important to have formal, practical skills and Folkeuniversitetet provides courses to prepare students for the above examination.
Master craftsman’s certificate Instruction in 65 crafts is available inNorway. Successful completion of such training qualifies participants for the title of master craftsman ("Mesterbrev"). The Master Craftsman’s Certificate entitles the holder to use the recognised "Mester" symbol. This provides customers with a sure sign of quality. Folkeuniversitetet has 80 departments offering such training. 
Training in information technology With the rapid development of computer technology, you have to work hard to keep up-to-date. Folkeuniversitetet can help with this work by providing courses for IT operators and other groups using computers. Courses are also available in word-processing, accounts, Internet and multimedia. 
Other occupational training In addition to IT courses, specialist and craftsman’s training, the nationwide network of Folkeuniversitet departments provides occupational training in accounting, health, interior design, administration, marketing, graphic design, travel, caretaking, fashion, security guard work, and other subjects. 
Courses for pensioners Folkeuniversitetet is appealing more and more to those who have finished their professional careers and wish to take up some form of studies or leisure activities. In addition to its own courses, Folkeuniversitetet also collaborates with the Pensjonistuniversitet, providing a forum for the elderly to exchange knowledge and develop social contacts. 
Special target groups Folkeuniversitetet designs special courses for people who would normally have difficulty following ordinary courses. Such people may include the physically handicapped, or those who reside at special care institutions for a variety of different reasons. 
Language training Increasing internationalisation requires that people are better equipped with foreign language skills. Folkeuniversitetet can help you along the way not only to develop your knowledge of foreign languages, but also your knowledge of foreign cultures. 
Language training for individuals Folkeuniversitetet provides language instruction in the majority of European languages as well as in selected languages from other continents. Levels differ from beginner to university examination standard. Certain Folkeuniversitet departments also organise language courses abroad in collaboration with Ceran Lingua and Internationella Skolorna. 
Company courses In addition to language training for individuals, Folkeuniversitetet also provides employees from both the public and private sectors with target-oriented training designed in line with the results of a language test and needs analysis. 
ICC and Cambridge As a member of the International Certificate Conference (ICC) - an association of adult education organisations in Europe - Folkeuniversitetet has sole right in Norway to give ICC foreign language examinations.

Folkeuniversitetet is also "Local Secretary" for Cambridge University (UCLES). This grants the right to hold recognised English examinations under the ægis of the university.
Norwegian as a foreign language Folkeuniversitetet arranges courses in Norwegian as a foreign language for those residing temporarily, or permanently, in Norway. There is a variety of levels and instruction is also provided in Norwegian social matters and culture.

The Norwegian Language Test, which is a joint project administered by the University of Bergen and Folkeuniversitetet, has been designed for adult students of Norwegian as a Foreign Language. The project is intended to build up language testing and evaluation skills and provides information on language analysis and research.
Culture and leisure activities For those interested in culture, aesthetics and leisure activities, Folkeuniversitetet provides a comprehensive range of courses. More than a quarter of all the organisation’s course participants enrol on these types of courses. 
Art and handicraft In the areas of art and handicraft, Folkeuniversitetet offers various drawing and painting courses for beginners and more advanced participants, as well as handicraft courses in: textiles and sewing, jewellery, woodcarving, pottery, knife-making, timberwork, welding and wood-turning. 

Cultural studies and activities 

Many of Folkeuniversitetet's cultural history courses (mythology, art, history of innovations, architecture, literature, ethics, urban history) provide an insight into the past and contemporary history of Norway, Europe and the rest of the world. Some courses take the form of lectures, others involve the participation of the participants and activities such as visits to galleries and excursions around the town. 
Drama courses contain both theoretical and practical elements and theatrical studies train participants in techniques such as reading aloud and stage organisation. As for music and dancing, there is something for everyone from singing ballads to belly-dancing. 
Leisure courses To stay healthy and happy, you can do aerobics, swimming and tai-chi, learn more about common ailments and diet and study relaxation and meditation techniques.
Other hobby courses include family tree research, colour analysis, clothes and fashion, boating and hunting (both leading to a certificate), dog dressage, photography, wine, mushrooms, self-defence, presentation techniques, gardening, pre-natal preparation and swimming for babies. 
In fact, Folkeuniversitetet can provide you with a course in just about anything! 


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